Would you believe me if I told you face wash isn’t a girls-only club? It took me a long time to figure it out, but I’m finally a believer. The best natural face wash for men can do a lot for you if you let it. A few extra bucks and a couple extra minutes of prep work in the morning is all it takes.
Too many of us guys learn that lesson the hard way, when our face gets covered in oil, black spots, and other undesirables. Then there’s people who slather body wash above the neck, comb over it with a loofah, and call it a day. If that’s you, you’re definitely not alone, but why not give that beautiful face the respect it deserves?
There’s a lot to be gained from keeping things clean and moisturized upstairs. You’ll feel great, look even better, and get lots of people asking to rub your cheeks in admiration. Just make sure their hands are clean first!
If that sounds like a good deal, read on and have a look at the best natural face wash for men.
Key Takeaways
I went through dozens of reputable cosmetics brands (and my own personal cosmetics case) to find the 7 best picks on the market. If you ask me, the Ursa Major is the best natural face wash for men. The unique blend of smells is just perfect, and it keeps you hydrated while acting as a prophylactic for rashes and overall skin irritation.
Cellocosmet’s Gentle Cream Cleanser is an incredible product if you’re willing to pony up a bit more. This industry favorite can be used on any skin type, and it’s very rich in minerals and other nutrients for the skin.

Why it’s great: The Ursa Major really lives up to the “Fantastic” in its name. This cruelty-free miracle product is fit to tackle all skin types, and the mix of cedar, lime, and spearmint is a personal favorite of mine. Then there’s the rosemary and lavender that give it an extra springtime kick.
How it works: The combination of coconut and rice seed extracts is what gives this thing its amazing cleansing properties. If your skin is prone to rashes, it can also prevent breakouts on top of keeping you moisturized. Just be sure to use it twice a day if you can help it.
Flaws but not dealbreakers: For fans of traditionally masculine fragrances, you may find this face wash clashes with stronger perfumes. That said, the smell is subtle enough that this doesn’t happen all that often.
Item Form: Gel | Size: 8 oz | Scent: Cedar, lime, spearmint | Feature: Cruelty-free | Skin Type: Oily, combination, normal
Why it’s great: Again, the name Aveeno Positively Radiant Scrub is truth in advertising if I ever saw it. Since it’s unscented, this is more of a cleanliness product than anything else. Still, boasting a distinct lack of allergens, it’s an incredibly safe pick for people with sensitive skin.
How it works: With Aveeno, you can always expect your skin texture to be fabulous after a few weeks of use. Unlike a lot of other budget face washes, it won’t clog your pores and leave you with dead skin.
Flaws but not dealbreakers: The downside to its wonderful organic makeup is that it just doesn’t do the job for most skin types. On the other hand, if you’re sensitive, it’s pretty much the best in its price bracket.
Item Form: Scrub | Size: 5 oz, 7 oz | Scent: Unscented | Feature: Non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic | Skin Type: Sensitive
Why it’s great: Sure, it’s a bit pricey, but the performance on the Cellcosmet Gentle Cleanser more than justifies it. The almond and rose scent is quite unique, and the fact that it can do what it does with a plant-based formula is incredible.
How it works: This thing has vitamins for days, making it a fantastic pick for cleansing any and all skin types. On top of that, the minerals go a long way in softening your skin if you use it regularly. Just goes to show how far Swiss technology can get you!
Flaws but not dealbreakers: Not to be nitpicky, but I’m not huge on rose-scented face washes. Similar to the Ursa Major, it can be hard to combine with stronger fragrances, but more power to you if you can make it work.
Item Form: Cream | Size: 6.7 oz | Scent: Rose, almond | Feature: Plant-based | Skin Type: All
Why it’s great: Besides their superior body wash products, Brickell is also behind some of the best natural face wash for men. Peppermint is an all-time classic scent for face washes, and it seamlessly blends with most other fragrances. For the eco-conscious consumer, the all-organic formula doesn’t hurt either.
How it works: Rich in charcoal, this product can deep-clean the pores on your face like no other. A lot of competitors can leave the skin feeling a bit dry, but you won’t have that problem with this Brickell line.
Flaws but not dealbreakers: Brickell’s face wash doesn’t have the consistency of other gel washes. Because of that, it’s not uncommon for some of it to (literally) go down the drain after you’ve applied it to your face. Just apply several fingerfulls at a time and you should be fine.
Item Form: Gel | Size: 8 oz | Scent: Peppermint | Feature: Organic | Skin Type: All
Why it’s great: You can use the Tea Tree Exfoliating Scrub on your entire body, and thank goodness for that because it genuinely works well all over. Blisters and rough skins are its forte, and it’s also safe to use on acne-prone skin.
How it works: From exfoliation and moisturization to combating itchiness and off-putting smells, Tea Tree does it all. There’s very little that a bit of mint and essential oils can’t fix, especially if you combine it with other Tea Tree products.
Flaws but not dealbreakers: Considering you can use it on any part of your body, 6 oz is a bit on the small side. At the same time, you can always just use it on your face and find another product to cover the rest. Better yet, get yourself a bunch of scrubs and go to town!
Item Form: Scrub | Size: 6 oz | Scent: Mint | Feature: Exfoliating | Skin Type: All (including acne-prone)
Why it’s great: Organic face wash for men can come in power form too, like the Jaxon Lane Shake and Wake. Sure, you can get a single bottle if you want, or you can order four for a very reasonable price. Once that citrus scent hits your nostrils, you’ll never look back!
How it works: Speaking of citric acid, you just cover your face in this powder and give it a rinse. Do that for a few days, and you can expect your wrinkles to soften and your pores to look smooth. Also, because of the mild ingredient list, you can rest assured it won’t be triggering any allergies.
Flaws but not dealbreakers: Coming in at under 2 ounces a pop, you’ll need a fair bit of this stuff to get you through a season. At the same time, you’re dealing with powder here, so you can make a four–pack last longer than the average gel bottle if you’re careful.
Item Form: Powder | Size: 1.78 oz | Scent: Citrus | Feature: Hypoallergenic | Skin Type: Oily, combination, normal
Why it’s great: I’m a sucker for eucalyptus-scented products, and Tiege Hanley’s face wash mixes it with cucumber to great effect. Nothing chemical about it either, so feel free to use it twice a day to get the most of it. It can even be a great substitute for cologne since the smell lingers a fair bit.
How it works: After washing up in the morning and evening, apply a smidge to your finger and spread it across your face. Next thing you know, your face will be looking fresh and grease-free. Making matters better, it works on all skin types, so feel free to go to town!
Flaws but not dealbreakers: While this is true for most forms of face wash, you really don’t want to get any of this stuff in your eyes. Be sure to keep them closed as you wash and try to apply small quantities.
Item Form: Cream | Size: 6.5 oz | Scent: Eucalyptus, cucumber | Feature: Fragrance-free | Skin Type: All

Buying Considerations For Natural Face Washes For Men
If you don’t know a lot about organic face wash, that’s perfectly normal. It can be a bit intimidating to figure out what to look for, so here are a few tips to start you off:
The main thing to look out for when it comes to ingredients are allergens. For example. formaldehyde and colorants affect different faces in different ways. Most people figure it out through trial and error and trying on a few washes before choosing. If you follow the instructions on the label and pick products that match your skin type, you should be fine.
The smallest packs of face wash you’re likely to find hover around 6 oz, although they often go up to 8. If you use it daily, a single pack should last you anywhere between two and three months.
This one is mostly down to personal preference. It’s generally a good idea to go for scents that aren’t too overpowering. After all, if you wear deodorant or perfume, the mix of smells may or may not come out pleasant. If you want to play it safe, there’s always the unscented options that don’t get in the way of other cosmetics.
You shouldn’t always take the male or female labels literally when it comes to organic face wash. As I mentioned above, things like ingredients and scent are a lot more important. Don’t be afraid to use the “wrong” product if it’s safer or it suits you better, especially if your skin is on the sensitive side.

Why you should trust us
You can always expect top-shelf recommendations for my picks. If you haven’t used natural face wash before, I can understand if you’re a bit hesitant. Rest assured, though, these products will elevate your looks and hygiene to the next level.
Final Verdict
And there you have it, the best natural face wash for men available in 2024. Whether you go for the all-around great Ursa Major, the texture-enhancing Cellocosmet Gentle Cream Cleanser, or the fantastic-smelling Tiege Hanley Face Wash, rest assured you’re dealing with some of the best.
It’s hard to answer this question definitively since all faces are so different. Generally speaking, you’ll want something with a proven track record of exfoliation. If your skin is sensitive, the best pick by default would be something that confers a benefit without irritating your skin.
For the most part, you can use face wash on a daily basis if you want. In fact, the best natural face wash for men is specifically crafted to avoid irritation from repeated use. Just remember that a single use of face wash isn’t a substitute for washing your face with actual water. At the same time, shampoo and soap can’t usually do the job of face wash. They don’t call it that for nothing!