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14 Best Toys for Kids with Autism, According to Experts

14 Best Toys for Kids with Autism, According to Experts

“Every child takes in sensory stimuli differently and some toys may be overwhelming for them (think too loud, too bright, or too many moving parts), or some toys could be overstimulating which can cause disruptions in regulation,” Lauder elaborates.

As for the safety aspect, she also advises keeping in mind the fact that children diagnosed with autism often have a tendency for placing items in their mouth. Thus, it’s best to choose toys that don’t have an abundance of small, individual pieces.

If it feels daunting, don’t panic, says Knight. Shop as you would for any other child—by considering what they enjoy and any skills they need to develop.

“Remember, when you are looking for toys, it’s supposed to be fun,” she says. “You want to look for toys that engage a child with autism in the same way you would look for a toy for a neurotypical child. In fact, many of the toys that you would buy for a neurotypical child, are the same toys that a child with autism would enjoy (blocks, balls, stuffed animals, fidget spinners, cars and trucks).”

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